All posts by: mtarrabain

…and you will be around longer to take care of the ones you love. Lets talk about some healthy goals for you today. 1. Your Goal: Commit to Self Care Know how your people-pleasing habit takes time away from your own...
Your Goal: Increase Your Confidence Know that a total physical fitness program has three components: aerobics (activities that increase heart and breathing rates, such as walking, jogging, biking, and swimming); resistance training (lifting weights); and flexibility (stretching). Start by choosing...
  Liraglutide (brand name Victoza) has demonstrated significant dose-dependent weight loss in studies of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) which led to its investigation and in 2014 approval for the treatment of obesity (Saxenda). Dosage Patients with obesity...
Remember good old Metformin? Metformin was researched in past for weight loss and now is used to help with improving insulin resistance which is prevalent in obesity and overweight. In fact, the term essentially describes this combination of abnormal sugars (or pre-diabetes) and...
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  please check the link below to see if this applies to you:   Adult-Binge-Eating-Disorder-Patient-Screener...
What do you think would be a weight goal that we can set together for you to reach in the next 6 months? A goal that would be reasonable, achievable, and most important you would be able to maintain long...
Currently available safe medications:   In 2012, and recent years, the FDA approved new drugs as adjuncts to lifestyle changes for long-term weight management. Since more is known about the science of this “disease” and big clinical studies are ongoing, it...
Do you feel lost when watching Dr. Oz? It could be truly overwhelming keeping up with weight loss “magic remedies” on the market nowadays. Keep it simple here and always try to add supplements that suit your personal needs only....
If you feel better starting with a defined diet including some basic choices, please click on link below. YOUR Food Menu...
Description: frequently lack paying “attention” to their diet and cannot control it. They will start their day with the intensions to eat right, but later on “drive by their favorite donuts shop and stop for some” or “at meals, will...
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