Remember good old Metformin? Metformin was researched in past for weight loss and now is used to help with improving insulin resistance which is prevalent in obesity and overweight. In fact, the term essentially describes this combination of abnormal sugars (or pre-diabetes) and excess central body fat (large waist circumference), in addition to other risk factors (high blood pressure and lipids).


 (or Glucophage – for brand name)


Classically known as a diabetes (abnormally elevated blood sugars) medication. It is also used for poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), female infertility, fatty liver disease, and other.


Common side effects of Metformin include but not limited to:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating

Most side effects could be very bothersome, but tend to improve with continued use. We usually start the prescription with once daily (with dinner or at bedtime) and then increase to full dose (twice daily with breakfast and dinner).

Note: Metformin is also available in once daily extended release pill (Metformin ER) which may be better if side effects remain an issue.


For complete prescription safety warnings see Rx label. All content provided here is for informational purposes and part of risk/benefit disclosure.