All posts by: mtarrabain

Especially during life’s turbulent times (including holidays…) setting a rule for yourself either to maintain your weight or keep weight gain to a minimum (for example the “5 pounds rule”) is the key to long term success. Current medications will definitely help as...
Landmark studies on the maintenance of weight loss with lifestyle modification are reviewed here. Overall, these studies demonstrate that weight maintenance – although challenging – is possible.   The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) This registry has identified the lifestyle...
Think of your diet like your budget. The currency is calories a lot of which come from carbohydrates (carbs). Unfortunately, the easiest, cheapest and most harmful calories do come from simple carbs. In general, these “bad carbs” come from sugar...
Unfortunately, the majority of foods we consume today lack fiber of any sort. Refined grains (including white rice, white flour, pasta, potatoes and even most breakfast cereals) are stripped of both the bran and the germ in the process of...
Any weight loss program includes exercise. Most folks panic when listening to this news, but we say “take a deep breath!” and just remember there is some work that needs to be done. First, you start changing your diet (step...
It is  said that “the strongest cravings for food happen when you’re at your weakest point emotionally.” Emotional eating is defined as overeating in order to relieve negative emotions  (wikipedia). These emotions  may include  stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness and loneliness.  An...
  Cut down on carbs. At meals, there’s no need to gorge on “empty” carbohydrates and this includes: white bread, rice, pasta, potato and baked corn … Replace with small portions of “good carbs” like wheat pasta, brown rice, high...
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