Do you feel lost when watching Dr. Oz? It could be truly overwhelming keeping up with weight loss “magic remedies” on the market nowadays.

Keep it simple here and always try to add supplements that suit your personal needs only.

Please feel free to pick up below list (get your trusted brands) from  grocery stores or the pharmacy OTC section: 

  1. A basic multivitamin take once daily (your body will need vitamins & minerals during wt loss) 
  2. or omega-3 supplements (or flaxseed), 2000mg once or twice daily  with food (with dinner) 
  3. Probiotics such as Phillips Colon Health®, Align®, Culterelle® once daily (and yogurt maybe a  few times a week) 
  4. D  take D2 or D3 once weekly (50,000 IU) or daily (2000 or higher) — suggest to your doctor checking blood levels at baseline and you will be surprised how low most folks are on vitamin D.

“welcome! your new friends to this healthy weight loss journey  Dr.Moe