Any weight loss program includes exercise. Most folks panic when listening to this news, but we say “take a deep breath!” and just remember there is some work that needs to be done. First, you start changing your diet (step one). At the same time, here we introduce “low intensity cardio”, instead of vigorous 24/7 workouts!

It’s NOT … “The Biggest Loser”  TV show!


Exercise components for healthy weight loss

WALKING.   Walk every day as your primary exercise. Walking briskly, outdoors or on a treadmill, is a great way for almost everyone to accomplish the minimum “dose” of exercise needed.

& ACTIVITY. Become more active. Think of energy burning in daily activities such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, working around the house…and most important less sitting!

How much exercise do I need? Build up to exercising 30-45 minutes most days of the week.

More exercise tips

  • Stays hydrated, and try to avoid energy drinks
  • Stretch and flex your muscles when you get ready for a workout
  • Use a smart watch or fitbit®
  • Join a gym. Invest in an exercise machine: treadmill, elliptical, stationary/recumbent bike…
  • Sign up for group exercise classes: pilates/yoga, zumba, boxing, mixed martial arts…
  • Play or learn a new sport: tennis, golf, basketball…dancing too!
  • Try home workout programs (DVDs, TV, online)
  • Consider swimming and water aerobics


Yes, you can do more: Mix in some “strength/core” using light dumbbells, exercise ball, and resistance bands…

Running too!? As you progress, start adding short sprints to your walks which is very effective for “fat-burning”