Currently available safe medications:  

In 2012, and recent years, the FDA approved new drugs as adjuncts to lifestyle changes for long-term weight management. Since more is known about the science of this “disease” and big clinical studies are ongoing, it is expected that more agents will be approved in coming years. 

What results to expect: 

It is important to have realistic expectations when starting a weight loss medication. Significant medical weight loss is about 5% to 10% of the starting weight in general. However, our patients vary in their response (most loosing around 15-20% in first 6 months).  

If achieved and maintained, these modest and moderate weight loss results are well known to improve health indices (diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, inflammation markers, joint and back problems, sleep apnea, asthma, reduce certain cancers) not to mention better mood, self-esteem and quality of life!

Ask your primary care doctor if you have questions and whether such medications may be right for you. 

With less hunger, more satiety, and the ability to resist food cues (i.e. the effect induced by medications acting on body appetite centers) one will be better able to adhere to a diet.

“Such medications will improve eating patterns to help ingest less calories and loose weight.” Dr. Moe